Saturday, October 08, 2005

Your comments

Got a film to recommend? Comment on a review? Post them here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Eli,

I really do like your blogg, although you of all people...

While I'm sure you've seen them when they came out, here are a few Tom Hanks movies which should be on your review page--if not for the man himself then for the movies:

Band of Brothers (a mini series)
The Green Mile
Saving Private Ryan
Forest Gump (one of my favorites)
Philadelphia (another of my favorites)

I'd be interested to know what you think of some of these. O Brother, Where Art Thou is also excellent, even though it falls outside of this post's theme.


8:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I found your site while looking at reviews of Zelary; it is a movie I re-watch every year. I sometimes have mini theme festivals and resilience is one of the themes I am watching now; Zelary, while very different from Beasts of the Southern Wild, has a strong female protagonist so i went looking for others with the same set-up. Zelary introduced me to Iva Bittova as well as the two leads. Thank you also for your mini-site of Gyorgy Cserhalmi films and also Czech films.

good blog - and I do not usually read many... .

Middleburg, VA
Jan, 2013.

8:15 AM  
Anonymous Kaleb Stone said...

Thankks for writing

6:25 AM  

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